ITAG Purchasing Guidelines
Accessibility means that a person with a disability can acquire the same information, engage in the same interactions, and enjoy the same services as a person without a disability, in an equally effective and integrated manner, with substantially equivalent ease of use. Information and services must be made available at the same time to a person with a disability as to a person without a disability.
These guidelines were created by representatives from the Big Ten Academic Alliance (BTAA) who have experience in purchasing or information technology accessibility. The collaboration is primarily between the BTAA鈥檚 Purchasing Consortium and the Information Technology Accessibility Group (ITAG).
Prioritization guide Online tool to help determine priority for accessibility projects
Work Groups
- E-Text
- FAE Development
- Training and Badging
- MathJax
- Maturity Model
- Purchasing Collaboration
- Vendor Cookbook
CIO Liaison
- Michele Norin--Rutgers University-New Brunswick
- Kevin Boyd--University of Chicago
Staff Contact
Lori Frost
Project Coordinator
Phone: (217) 333-9228