
Academic Leadership Development

Academic Leadership Development

In order to remain viable and competitive, universities must continually invest in their faculty and staff. By leveraging resources and drawing upon the expertise in the member institutions, the Big Ten Academic Alliance is able to offer professional development opportunities that are highly relevant and effective.

Academic Leadership Program (ALP): One of the most successful Big Ten Academic Alliance leadership initiatives is the Academic Leadership Program (ALP). Established in 1989, this intensive professional development experience develops the leadership and managerial skills of faculty who have demonstrated exceptional ability and academic promise. Many of the program's nearly 1000 Fellows have gone on to serve with distinction as college presidents, provosts, and deans. More about ALP

Department Executive Officers Seminars (DEO): Each year approximately 50 department heads and chairs from Big Ten Academic Alliance universities come together for a unique leadership development seminar. Topics at this three-day event range from conflict resolution and time management to faculty development, performance reviews, and group problem solving. More about DEO Seminar