
CIOs Share Cyberinfrastructure Strategy for CIC with Provosts

CIOs Share Cyberinfrastructure Strategy for CIC with Provosts

CIOs Share Cyberinfrastructure Strategy for CIC with Provosts

Jun 17, 2010, 12:00 PM

At the request of the Provosts, the CIOs developed "A Research Cyberinfrastructure Strategy for the CIC: Advice to the Provosts from the Chief Information Officers." The report, shared with the Provosts at their June 7 meeting, highlights campus best practices...

At the request of the Provosts, the CIOs developed "A Research Cyberinfrastructure Strategy for the CIC: Advice to the Provosts from the Chief Information Officers." The report, shared with the Provosts at their June 7 meeting, highlights campus best practices in high performance computing, recommendations for related high impact collaborations, and suggestions for Provostial action to help make progress in these areas. The Provosts were pleased with the informative report and indicated their interest in working together with the CIOs to further the federation of identity to accomplish greater computing and network interactivity for faculty, students, and staff across CIC member institutions; and for moving forward on shared data storage strategies. Plan details are now in development.